Business and Professional Women Organization General report on the organization activities from 2015-2018
Date: 11/12/2018
Report’s contents :
1- Background on BPWO organization .
2- Executive summary
3-Organization,s main objectives
4- Organization’s general objectives and strategies
5-projects implemented from 2015-2018
6- BPWO’s participation in international forums( Korean experience)
7- Table shows the organisation’s activities
Brief background on BPWO:
BPWO is non-profit voluntary organization, established in 2006 working on women economic empowerment and capacity building for achieving the purpose of rural and sustainable development.
Organization main objectives:
1- empowering the community economically through supporting women activities in different sectors ( small business ).
2- encouraging the disadvantages , especially, poor women in rural area to create their own business and providing them with means of production , to increase the income levels and reduce poverty.
3- networking with different stakeholders ( Government ,NNGOs, INGOs,CBOs).
Executive summary :
This report is aiming at revelling the organization achievements from 2015- 2018 whereby BPWO in collaboration with UNHCR, WFP, UNDP and UN women , have succeeded to implement many projects through depending heavily on providing vocational training and small business management. BPWO has targeted different beneficiaries from Sudan 500 of returnees , 300 of IDPs in Darfur, 700 smallholder in White Nile while, from outside Sudan BPWO has worked with 700 refugees and asylum in Khartoum state including ( south Sudan , Ethiopian and Eritrean, Congolese , Yemenis and Syrian ).
Organization generals objectives and strategy:
1- provide women and young girls with access to education , vocational and technical training .in addition to, benefiting form information technology in education.
2-encourage women to undertake small business to achieve economic independency and self-reliance
3-support women activities in small and medium industries so they can contribute to sustainable development.
4- build the capacity of vulnerable group from men.
To insure economic empowerment and achieve the above mentioned objectives BPWO relies on divers tools and strategies including the following:
- establishment of learning , training and educational centre to reduce and compact literacy in both side
1-train women and girls to manage small projects financially and technically.
2-distributing start –up kits and cash grant
3-Encourage women to participate in international forums and adopt the means of peoples diplomacy and friendships between nations
4-organizing workshops.
5- Providing microfinance and small business .
Projects implemented from 2015-2018
As BPWOs policies and objective concentrate on empowering women economically, politically and socially , it is worth to mention that , in all projects implemented women have constituted 70% of targeted group while men have constituted 30%.
To insure long term development and attain the goals of gender equality , economic empowerment and self-reliance BPWO has provided beneficiaries from both gender with raising awareness activities , traditional and vocational training which are included the following different activities:
1- food processing 4-Local perform 7-plumping 10- Welding
2-Hair dressing 5- Henna 8- Air condition 11- Hand craft
3-Soap making 6-general electricity 9-Mobil cell phone maintenance 12- Mechanics .
Supporting the training activities in 2018, a number 700 of beneficiaries from different nationalities have given a package contained certification , the required tool kits for each activity besides cash grant of 300 SDG for each individual coupled with a graduation ceremony for Yeminis and South Sudan population. on the other hand, BPWO in partnership with WFP and ministry of agriculture is working to provide 700 farmers with training skills management in White Nile with focus on avoiding post harvest losses and increasing food availability. While in 2017 the livelihood promotion aimed to built the capacity of 400 south Sudan refugees 300 of them are women not only this but also provided them with tools after completing the training so they can be able to start their own business and help their families.
This table illustrates the projects that have been implemented by BPWO:
Targeted numbers |
Targeted group |
Area |
Year | Donors | Project | NO |
700 | Urban Refugees and asylum seekers | Khartoum State | 2018 | UNHCR | Promotion of livelihood | 1 |
700 | Small holders/ farmers | White Nile | 2018 | WFP | Preventing post harvest losses | 2 |
600 | Refugees and asylum seekers | Khartoum State | 2017 | UNHCR | Promotion of livelihood | 3 |
300 | IDPs | Darfur State | 2017 | UN women | Compacting GBV | 4 |
500 | Refugees and asylum seekers | Khartoum State | 2016 | UNHCR | Promotion of livelihood | 5 |
500 | Returnees | Darfur State | 2015 | FAO |
Promotion of livelihood |
6 |