Business and Professions body is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit non-discrimination of color, sex, language or religion. The organization leadership of the pioneering work in the field of capacity building directing women economically and professionally and encourage (CBOs) to take responsibility and employing the possibilities of professional and educated women to serve the purposes of rural development and sustainability to open up the prospects of regional and international to gain the experience of a new global organizations and exchange of knowledge and experience to achieve a lasting partnership for development .
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Building women’s leadership and development of individual potential capacity to contribute to an active role in society institutions and fields of work, business, and industry to participate in decision-making. Work to expand educational opportunities and empowerment of women socially, economically and advocacy for social justice and true equality of status of women in rights, duties and professional leadership development of women at all levels???
BPW Vol. Org starts since 2005 and it started its activities in 2006 It’s mandated to work in the area of women development and women empowerment. In this connection, it provides training in the area of Income generating activities and vocational training. However, preparing women to access and get acquainted with the development of small scale enterprises often among areas of intervention. Since the foundation of the organization, women were trained on food processing, tie and die , needle works, painting of textiles, computer operation and internet navigation skills, project implementation and project management techniques. Awareness of HIV/Aids , early marriage , FGM,and Human Rights,
Business and professional Women organization is a voluntary body, non-governmental, non-profit without discrimination of color, race, language or religion. This organization took upon itself to lead pioneer work in the capacity building, guiding women economically, technically, and encouraged community based women to bear the responsibility and put the capacities of the educated professional women to serve the objectives of sustainable and rural development so as to open new directions regionally and internationally to gain new experiences from the international organizations so as to exchange knowledge and expertise to achieve permanent partnership for development.
Business and professional women Bahry organization is affiliated club of Sudanese Federation of Business and professional women which is affiliated of International Federation of Business and Professional Women.
To build the leader women, developed their skills and capacities as a person to participate with an active role in the society institutions, field of works, businesses and decision making.
Widening the circle and chances of education for women .
Empowering them socially and economically. Stands beside the issues that achieve social justice, real equality for status of women in rights and duties to develop the professional leader women in all levels.