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Our Vision

Widening the circle and chances of education for women .
Empowering them socially and economically. Stands beside the issues that achieve social justice, real equality for status of women in rights and duties to develop the professional leader women in all levels.

Our Mission

To build the leader women, developed their skills and capacities as a person to participate with an active role in the society institutions, field of works, businesses and decision making.

Who We Are

Business and professional Women organization is a voluntary body, non-governmental, non-profit without discrimination of color, race, language or religion.

عن المنظمة

منظمة نساء الاعمال والمهن هى كيان طوعى غير ربحى يحقق اهدافه دون تمييز بسبب اللون اوالعرق او الدين.تاسست عام 2005م وتم تسجيلها بوزارة الشئون الانسانية عام 2006م تهدف لتمكين المرأة وبناء قدراتها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والمهنية نحو الريادة والمبادرة الجادة لتحقيق الاهداف الانمائية للالفية الثالثةMDGs كما تتولى توجيه النساء 

International Federation of BPW

The IFBPW branch established by its founder Dr. Lina Philips in the year 1930 as it has 80 branches in different countries in the five continents. The federation enjoys a consultative status to the United Nation (Economic Social Council ) ECOSOC. and also with the Europe Council.

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