Executive Board:
Tagwa Abdelsalam Ahmed
Representative of Young BPW Africa (2008 – 2011)
President of Young BPW Bahry
Job: Advocate
Address: Parliament Street – Khartoum
E-mail: tagwaortashi@hotmail.com
Mobile: 00249912371901
Dalia Tag Elsir Abdelraheem
General Secretary
Job: Member of women center of peace- Khartoum
E-mail: daliarose22@yahoo.com
Mobile: 00249923177430
Rash Abdullah Ali
Job: psychologist –Ahfad University Omdurman
E-mail: bpworgofsudan@aol.com
Mobile: 00249912374459
- Finding solutions and provide job opportunities for graduates
- Rehabilitation of non-educated young women by entering technical and vocational institutes
- To consolidate the concepts of noble , educational and perseverance which create a strong society
- Provide direct support and rehabilitation for young women with talent and capacity through the material, moral support for the development of creativity and visibility in community.
- Awareness of democracy away from partnership and tribal affiliation
- Intensification of efforts and attention to cultural awareness in young women especially in challenges areas and how to address them.
- Remove the stereotypical image about young women in society
- Activating the rights of young women to eliminate any form of discrimination against them, in coordination with the relevant
- Strengthening the leadership role of young women by focusing on policy initiatives and resources.
- Providing them with the right mix of incentives ideas and opportunities to create business productive to transfer young women from job seekers to creators of employment opportunities, and from relying on society to self-sufficiency.
- Participation of young women in all aspects of the policies process from the formulation of economic policies, implementation, monitoring to evaluation
- Bordering knowledge on women rights, development issues through periodic media programs, workshops, lecturers, seminar sand conferences
Conferences, Meetings, Internal and External:
- Participating CSW and IFBPW,s seminar 2009 N.Y USA.
- Participating regional conference of BPW Nigeria Federation 2010
- Participating in IFBPW Congress Helsinki Finland 2011.
1- Capacity building geared towards young women to be involved in entrepreneurs, possibilities for funding, confidence building, and networking with the business and professionals.
2- Strengthening the interaction between economic policy makers, international partners and young women .
3- Operating workshops to offer opportunities for them to gain practical work experience, and enhance their employment possibilities
4- Establishment of regular consultation with organizations of young women for their contributions to the development process through:
Role of private sector that acts as the provision of formal education at all level.
5- Benefiting from the experiences of business leaders in term of mentoring, internships and opportunities for rehabilitation.
6- Participating in building cycle leaders hosted by Maarej Organization.
7- Training in projects demobilization and reintegration organized by DDR office North Sudan
8- Participation in election of April 2010 through monitoring.
9-Training in income generating projects through microfinance projects of youth organized by Almethal Microfinance Co. LTD.
10- Vocational training for handicap to earn their livings.
11- Encourage young women to be involved in the voluntary jobs.