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The Promotion Of Livelihood Project 2018

The promotion of livelihood project 2018

The promotion of livelihood project 2018:

  • In 2018 BPWO has successfully reached 700 beneficiaries who are refuges and asylum seekers reside in Sudan and belong to p five countries namely (south Sudan, Ethiopian, Eritrean Congolese, Syrian, Yemenis). The project was funded by UNHCR and aimed to achieve the following objectives:
  • The project has sought to improve the livelihood opportunities for 700 urban refugees (300 from south Sudan, 100 from Syrian, 100 from Eritrean Ethiopian &Cangue and Yemenis) in Khartoum state, pending the recommendation of the comprehensive market and needs assessment conducted by UNHCR, the project
  • providing Livelihood support for 700 extremely vulnerable urban refugees residing in Khartoum state improve production and increase incomes and gradually reduced dependency on humanitarian aid and assessment with a view to increase the economic capacity of all population household and support local integration.
  • Advocating and facilitating access to quality livelihood services for urban refugees and other persons of concern in Khartoum state.
  • Improving self –employment and entrepreneurship skills of refugees through access to applicable training, learning .vocational, relevant skills training, and start up kits as guidance.

The impact of the livelihood project on refugees and asylum seekers:

  • Livelihood strategies of participant household or individual are built and improved.
  • 700 of beneficiaries have been provided with vocational and traditional training in order to build their capacities and acquire new skills.
  • The beneficiaries have given startup kits, certification and cash grant.
  • Economic capacity of beneficiary household or individuals is increased.
  • Self reliance of participant household is fostered.

Graduation ceremony for South Sudan population organized by BPWO and attended by UNHCR, HAC ,COR representatives

Ethiopian, Eritrean and Congoles participating in cell phone mobile maintenance

Almostagbal training centre ( south sudanese beneficiares attending general electricity class 2018)

Tools kits distribution for south Sudanese beneficiaries 2018

Yemenis beneficiaries during food processing class

Yamnis trainees during the training session

Yemenis beneficiaries participating in Mechanic class

Soup making activity , south sudanese refugees project 2018

Food processing activity 2018 : made by south sudanese refugees

Handmade products

Part of south Sudan exhibition

A picture for Ethiopian female beneficiary who received cash grant and already started small business 2017